Now a days usage of different type of Electronic printed Circuits boards Predominates in all type of industries. Most interestingly in future one can see nothing in the passenger car except electronic items, Battery and a metal body with wheels.
Although the designers Sharpened the mind, it is inevitable to stop failure of these Electronic PCB’s due to various unforeseen reasons and we are here to support you to reduce your expenses by repairing the failed PCBs and Electronics items instead of buying new one for use.
We satisfy our customers by our fast, economical and reliable service. Same day repair service delivery is possible to reduce your Machine downtime.

Why you need to send Electronic PCB’s to us :
FAST SERVICE: We can save your machine down time and hence increase of production by giving back most of your electronic items to your hands within 2 to 5 days. Besides, if the item is booked on priority repair service, same day repair service delivery is also possible.
ECONOMICAL: We can save your money up to 85% of the new one.
RELIABILITY: Attending repair of electronic circuit boards using latest advanced equipments and imported original genuine component ensures reliable repair service.